'Historietas por la
Identidad’ was developed in the context of the awareness raising campaigns of
the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo (Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo). These
campaigns aim to reach out to society, but particularly to the generation of
the 500 disappeared children, now between 35 and 40 years old. These children
were either abducted together with their
parents or born in captivity. They were appropriated by couples affiliated with
the military regime, and grew up unaware of their origins and true identity.
The ultimate goal of the campaigns is to stimulate young men and women
with doubts about their identity to approach the Abuelas.
The project started in 2006, and over 40 comics have now been made.
Exhibitions were organized both inside and outside Argentina. In 2015 all of
the comics were gathered in a single publication, Historietas por la Identidad, a collaboration between the Abuelas
and the Archivo de Historieta y Humor Gráfico Argentinos, Biblioteca Nacional
Mariano Moreno.
Publication online: https://www.abuelas.org.ar/archivos/publicacion/HistorietasIdentidad.pdf
Blog: http://hisxi.blogspot.com